Monday, April 11, 2011

Anello della Rupe

This Saturday morning, while David was sick in bed with a bad cold, I walked/ran the path (Anello della Rupe) around the Orvieto rock. The weather was perfect, about 75 and sunny. The path is approximately 4 miles of up and down hills, with the most amazing scenery. Views of the hills and valleys around Orvieto, and ancient Etruscan walls, caves and tombs. Some parts are so steep it is almost impossible to run up or down them. There is a part at the entrance near our house, where you are walking on a bridge about 3 stories above the ground. This is the only scary part to me, and if you run on it the whole bridge shakes. Pictures don't really do it justice, but here are a few of the almost 200 I took.
The beginning of the path about 3 blocks from our apartment

The bridge

The bridge

The bridge

The bridge

Etruscan tombs

Doors on the Etruscan tombs

Etruscan tombs

Small church built into the rock

Looking above the door of the small church

Looking straight up

Another church and houses on the top of the rock

Entrance to the oldest quarter of Orvieto

An Etruscan cave that is now privately owned

View of La Badia

A Cinquecento driving on the path

One of the ancient entrances to the city

Underneath the bridge

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