Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Vacanza, Pesce a Casa

Our last night in Marina di Ginosa we had a fish (pesce) feast. Again the boys were in charge of the grill, Bonnie made orecchiette and I kept her company. On the menu was grilled/baked stuffed mussels, gamberetti, squid, salmon and little fishes (I can't remember the name). Dessert was prickly pears and gelato. It was the first time I had tried prickly pears, they taste a lot like melon but have very hard seeds you can't chew. After dinner we went to Rocco's for an Amaro (digestive liquor) nightcap. It was a great conclusion to our amazing experience in Marina di Ginosa!!!
Everybody ready for the grill

David and Vitopaolo masters of the grill


Stuffed mussels


Prickly pears

Yes David did get some prickers in his hands

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