Friday, August 5, 2011

Bartender gig, July 30 2011

Last Saturday night Bartender played a gig at a big music festival in Villalba park, not far from Orvieto. It is a three day festival where most people stay and camp out in the park. The feature of the night was Rancore and DJ Myke. About a year ago they made a street album for Universal records featuring Bartender called "Acustico." You can download it for free here: (in the download section). Rancore and DJ Myke have an album of their own, and another one called "Electrico", featuring Svedonio (from Bartender), Lillo (bass) and Roberto Forlini (drumms). For this concert they played songs off of all three albums, switching between just DJ and voice, electric instruments and acoustic instruments. It was really amazing to see and there was a lot of energy!!! Even though instruments changed throughout the show, it was cohesive and very entertaining!
The stage

The stage from above

The opening band Vecchia Funkeria del Corso

Special guest Roberto Ciotti

DJ Myke & Rancore

Electric band


Bartender setting up

Bartender helping sing the last song

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